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Resources and production

There are elevendifferent kinds of resources. They are produced and used by different buildings, units, spells, battles and quests. Resource production is displayed in per hour figure or in percents. Buildings and units are counted into village population. The population effects food consumption. All the building-based population increases tax income. A typical unit has 100 men, and buildings have 100 men per level, but other ratios are possible as well.

It's possible to effect on village tax collection by changing tax rate (requires science Tax collection), by default it is 50%. The higher the tax rate, the lower culture production is: tax rate is deducted from culture production. If tax rate is 20%, culture production is decreased by 20%. 100% tax rate does not produce culture at all.

Tax collection calculation forumla:
Tax /h = population of buildings / 100 * tax rate * realm tax setting * bonuses (spells, buildings, items, race, skills) * 12

If the resources are in the negative range, village is rioting, which could turn into a severe interference in village operations and should be avoided in every way. Your troops are not willing to attack if village is rioting because of negative honor and is defeated only by Restoration of honor.

Resource production in the village is affected by a terrain type that it's built on. That, in turn, influences which resources are more available and which are not. Plains are better suited for food production, but the iron might be needed purchased/exploited elsewhere. Mountain village will face the opposite situation. Many buildings increase production percentage, but a village will usually never be able to generate all the needed resources on their own. For example, a village in the plains will never have sufficient iron production.

When a building has effect on production percentage, it boosts a base figure more on higher levels (ex: 40% on level 1, 80% on level 2, 120% on level 3, etc.). If multiple buildings increase the production of the same resource, their percents are multiplied. For instance, level 5 Grain Field provides a 150% food increase and with a 10% of the level 1 Windmill their total on food production is thus: 2.50 x 1.10 = 2.75 (1.0 + 1.75=> 175% increase). In this case it's preferable to build level 1 Windmill than to expand Grain Field to level 6, because it costs less.

Food, iron, wood and stone need storage space. To prevent resources from being wasted, it's recommended to have big enough Warehouse and Grain Silo. How big, depends on how often you play. Maximum amount of spirit points depends on White Altar, Totem Pole and Tower of Secrets level. There is no limit for gold, science, culture and honor points.

Newly founded or conquered villages have a set corruption rate. Corruption represents the amount of your villages in percents: 11th village has a 10% penalty to all resource production and also unit produciton. Corruption rate is adjusted by race: 11th hobbit village has 7%, 11th orcish has 12%. Corruption normally does not change over time. It changes only if it's conquered or given to another player. When village is conquered when Pioneer-bonus is still active, corruption rate is doubled. Villages given to another player will also have 10% bigger corruption.

Every inhabitant consumes food. Some buildings, like Grain Field, are available at the beginning. Grain Field gives a percent bonus and is of little use on terrains which produce low amount of food, like mountains and deserts. In that case, for food production you may need Rice Field and/or Potato Field. The best terrains for food production are plains, rivers and terrains with available game.

Iron is mainly required for military units, but some small amounts are needed for constructions, too. Mountains have best iron production.

Wood is mostly needed for building construction. Some units may require it in small amounts. Forests and jungles provide a great deal of wood.

Stone is used for greater buildings, like castles, walls and towers. Small amounts are used for construction of smaller buildings. Stone is reasonably available everywhere, with higher amounts in mountains and hills.

Culture is needed for special units and buildings, such as Settlers, Palace or Monument.

Science points are needed for researching new sciences. At an early stage, a Science academy is the only scientific improvement, but later there will be race specific buildings which will increase science point production.

Spirit points are needed to cast different spells and for upkeep of summoned units.

Gold is required for nearly all actions: training, constructing, unit and building upkeep. Gold is commonly used when trading resources.

You will gain and lose Honor by battles. If you attack against clearly stronger enemy, you gain honor, and vice versa. It is not possible to reset or gain honor with Plus-features, only Restoration of honor will help.